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Year 12 and Couch to Artist: A reflection and looking forward

Year 12 is nearly over for me, and Year 13 fast approaching. It's a strange time, and the parameters and circumstances that I'm returning to are far from the normal due to Covid-19. Nonetheless, I believe a personal and reflective post to consolidate the year to be vitally important. I want to establish which skills, medians and styles most appeal to me, possible future endeavors and subjects that interest me, and also what resources are going to be important to me next year.

Overall I have developed a passion for various styles of illustration, from abstract to more realism orientated. My couch to artist work has helped me to develop skills around ink and pen work, as well as developing my understanding of the styles and period art which influence it. I have also broadened my understanding of modern, contemporary and traditional art, and the more specific styles that fall into each. This has given me a better comprehension of the ways that art history effects the way art is made and understood.

Abstraction and minimalism have formed a large part of my couch to artist work, and have led to greater interest in each of them respectively. I am particularly interested in the work of illustrators like EH Shepherd and Wainwright for the way they reflect on the world around them in a simple yet immersive manner. Abstraction has helped me look at ideas and concepts in a more revealing and poignant way, leading to greater connection between viewers and my work.

I have also developed a passion for writing and poetry and it's interrelation with art. I would love to incorporate more of this into my work in the future, in similar ways to my work in Week 1, and beyond.

My fascination with the relationship between nature and man has become somewhat of a focal point for my work during the summer, and prior to it as well. I have always felt a deep connection with natural landscapes, and I would love to have to have the opportunity to explore those relationships and connections in a more meaningful way in the year ahead. From the way we move through and effect spaces, to the deeper interrelations between man and nature, I believe there is plenty to be explored.

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