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Week 1: Marks; Words - Part 1 (research and initial response)

What type of marks should you - as an artist - make at this time in history, and why?

I believe the marks and words we use as artists should be able to reflect the way we feel, and the way we want others to think. This is particularly pertinent during these times, when there is so much unrest and uncertainty in the world. Art should be being used to settle and recapture feelings of normality, but also to challenge the status quo. One example of the importance of words an marks for the projection of ones beliefs is in protest.

Which of these feels most evocative to you?

These are all examples from the recent incredible Black Lives Matter protest, which have spread across the world. Here, words and imagery are being used to promote consideration and support for the cause, as well as sharing solidarity for those who have lost their lives. I personally felt the power of such things when I attended the protests in Bournemouth, and the words i read and heard will stay with me forever.

Responses by the artistic community have been incredible, and very diverse. These are a few examples of instances when text and marks are used to evoke strong emotions and create contemplative thought for the movement.

A combined use of colour and text have been used to evoke feelings of solidarity and support for the movement here, as well as a cear and graphic style to appeal to a specifically younger audience.

This piece combines a graphic style, with the textured appearance of gauche paint. It effectively incorporates text, and would be heartfelt, personal and emotional to many viewers.

This piece combines a Kunath like geometric style, with bold and provocative text. It is effective, and leaves a lasting message in the viewers mind.

Edgar Heap of Birds

Art has always had a close and interconnected relationship with protest, and the use of marks and words are an integral part of their potency.

The artist Edgar Heap of Birds is well known for using a combination of words and mark making to create personal responses o protests and conflict across the globe.His work has a bold and clear visual quality, combining harsh, sharp lines, with flowing and clear brush strokes, to create a wide and diverse variety of work. He creates his work using a variety of medians, including paints and inks. He also focuses his work on movements across the globe, and has created immense scale drawings, and public performance art. He is an advocate for social change and personal freedom. His work is in a modern style, with a firm message, however there are definite

works of his, such as his street performances, which feel much more contemporary in nature.

The middle image is a piece created by Edgar specifically for the BLM protests, and is very poignant and emotional. The bold, illustrative quality of the words makes them particularly effective.

So, what do I plan to do?

Well, I'm hoping to combine a mixture of experimental and more refined illustrations and marks, with provocative words associated with the BLM movement. These are my initial responses to this:

The next stage for my work is to develop and create a more refined response piece which combines aspects of my initial responses, as well as inspiration from Edgar heap of Birds.

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