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Week 4: Public Interventions - Part 2

I decided that for my creative response I was going to collect found objects (such as sticks, leaves and pine cones) and make a quick and spontaneous natural sculpture to reflect the environment I move through when I take my daily walk. Then I will place that humanely influenced sculpture of natural materials back into it's original place and take photos of this. These help to reflect the way humanity moves through natural spaces, and capture the feelings that we have in these environments. There is an interest too with the ways that the sculpture interacts and communicates with its surroundings, based on whether they themselves are natural or man-made.

These were my results:

It was only after I pondered the ideas I have about the way people feel when interacting and moving through natural spaces that I remembered where I had heard these ideas before. Barbara Hepworth's sculptures use strings and tension to imitate and reflect her childhood feelings of suspense and tension when driving through the hills around her home in Dartmoor. These ideas are similarly reflected I believe in my work.

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